New Zealand has a new hero. Sir Edmund Hillary was the last real hero we had, honest, courageous, and trustworthy, a humble family, a man who made good decisions, a real role model. He left big shoes to fill. I am delighted to announce that we have a new hero now, and as chance would have it, another Sir Edmund, Sir Edmund Thomas.
At 4pm tomorrow Vince Seimer is ordered to surrender at the High Court in Auckland to begin a sentence of imprisonment for telling the truth. Read how the Judges who sentenced him stand accused themselves, in a scandalous complaint to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner by Rt Hon Sir Edmund Thomas LLB (NZ) LLD (VUW) KNZM QC, upholding complaints made first by Vince Seimer on Kiwisfirst website. Vince is also a hero.
At 4pm tomorrow Vince Seimer is ordered to surrender at the High Court in Auckland to begin a sentence of imprisonment for telling the truth. Read how the Judges who sentenced him stand accused themselves, in a scandalous complaint to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner by Rt Hon Sir Edmund Thomas LLB (NZ) LLD (VUW) KNZM QC, upholding complaints made first by Vince Seimer on Kiwisfirst website. Vince is also a hero.
Vince Seimer successfully appealed the decisions of the High Court and the Court of Appeal to sentence him to six months imprisonment, and deny him a jury trial, for alleged contempt of a civil court order to remove content from a website because the subject of the content, Mr Michael Stiassny (who had shafted Mr Seimer every which way), didn't like the information being made public. Mr Stiassny has friends in high places, including the High Court, the Court of Appeal, not to mention his very good friends at the Supreme Court, as readers will see if they visit Mr Seimer's most excellent news site Kiwisfirst. The appeal was allowed, because the decision of the lower Courts was unlawful.
Two of the Judges who have shamefully sentenced Vince Seimer to imprisonment are Sian Elias and Bill Wilson. Sian Elias has a conflict of interest where Stiassny is concerned, and nobody should listen to anything Bill Wilson says after viewing the evidence on Vince's site, no wonder those two want to lock him up and shut him up, they're just like the local police and corrupt Court staff who locked me up on 22nd and 23rd of February 2009.
Although winning his appeal, Vince Seimer has been sentenced to three months imprisonment by the Supreme Court, in a shameful judgement which is further evidence of the rapid erosion of justice in New Zealand. Read the full story on Vince's site, and then read the story opposite it, titled "Bent Judge with "Feet of Clay" Losing Fight" and in particular, the letter from the Rt Hon Sir Edmund Thomas to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner, about the very conduct of Judge Bill Wilson that Vince Seimer has been exposing for ages on his site. The conduct is scandalous, as Sir Thomas makes clear, and what is even more scandalous is the fact that it has been common knowledge for so long and it has been condoned and concealed, and lied about and lied about, for so long, by so many of our supposedly most trustworthy judges of our society.
Here is Vince's letter, reproduced here so that nobody misses it, but go to the links above to Kiwisfirst site and read the full story, get the real news:
19 May 2010
Dear Friends,
The New Zealand Supreme Court this week issued a judgment sentencing me to three months prison for alleged contempt of an interim gag injunction issued in a 2005 civil proceeding. The judges euphemistically claimed this "allowed" my appeal against a six-month sentence of the High Court.
My appeal to the Supreme Court was not for a reduction of sentence. My appeal was for acquittal on the grounds nothing on this website [] breaches any injunction or, alternatively, for a new trial based upon the Court unlawfully denying me a trial by jury. Rejigging the penalty to three months was a cunning contravention by the Supreme Court of s24(e) of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 which guarantees citizens facing more than 3 months prison the right to trial by jury. This move by the Country's highest judges to morph a Court of Appeal ruling simply to evade statutory law - a change neither party asked for - is an alarming affront to the rule of law. The message is that judicial whim is the true law in New Zealand.
Sadly, this was not the worst. All the evidence before the Court proved that nothing on this site breaches any injunction. Moreover, this fact was known to the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court judges. Not one judge has identified any content since 2007 which breaches the injunction. But because Solicitor General David Collins misled the Court in bringing the contempt charge against me in 2008, and I was actually sent to prison as a result, the Judges have perverted the law and ignored this evidence in order to protect David Collins from criminally misleading the Court, while giving the false impression that I am not credible, as well as a lawbreaker. The judges' aim is a political one: to shut down this legal news website because it provides valuable information to the New Zealand public on the often furtive and overtly prejudicial operations of the judiciary.
As the Supreme Court judges could not refer to any evidence, they resorted to claiming in paragraph [69] of their ruling that they are sending me to prison based upon unsworn submissions by Solicitor General Collins' lawyer!
I will be filing a writ of Habeas Corpus, as well as a complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva. My affidavit and evidence in support of this Habeas Corpus application show how dangerous challenges to the rule of law in New Zealand are actually coming from judges whose rulings are largely issued in a vacuum and who are never held accountable for contravening fundamental laws which protect us all.
Kindest regards,
Vince Siemer, kiwisfirst
Vince Siemer, kiwisfirst
So why is Vince going to prison for telling the truth when the very judges who sent him there carry on like this? Because nobody stands up and says anything about it. All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing. Well, good on you Sir Edmund - now there is a man of true and unselfish integrity and community spirit, a true hero.
I strongly encourage readers to email Sir Edmund with a message of thanks and support for what he has done in speaking out, it was an incredibly difficult and heroic thing that he's done, and it's not over yet for him. His email address is on the bottom of one of the pages of his letter.
Our children are a precious gift, and we have to do our best for them, they are our only hope for the future, we have to teach them honesty and integrity. Sir Edmund's comments about the ramifications of this matter, and the effect of condoning corruption on young people who witness it is profound and insightful, and his letters are evidence that he is a man of the highest integrity at a time when they are few and far between, with all these failed finance companies and crooked directors, and all the rest of it. If young people grow up thinking that it's ok to lie and cheat and steal because you can get away with it, nobody will respect the law any more.
For the religiously inclined, I consider that the most overlooked of the ten commandments is: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour." Where in the bible does it say you can't tell the truth. People have said to me "Gosh Kate, it's amazing there haven't been any complaints about your sites" but the thing is this: people can complain all they like, but if information is true then it is not defamatory, and like Vince Seimer, I don't write things that aren't true, and I back up what I say with the evidence.
I strongly encourage readers to email Sir Edmund with a message of thanks and support for what he has done in speaking out, it was an incredibly difficult and heroic thing that he's done, and it's not over yet for him. His email address is on the bottom of one of the pages of his letter.
Our children are a precious gift, and we have to do our best for them, they are our only hope for the future, we have to teach them honesty and integrity. Sir Edmund's comments about the ramifications of this matter, and the effect of condoning corruption on young people who witness it is profound and insightful, and his letters are evidence that he is a man of the highest integrity at a time when they are few and far between, with all these failed finance companies and crooked directors, and all the rest of it. If young people grow up thinking that it's ok to lie and cheat and steal because you can get away with it, nobody will respect the law any more.
For the religiously inclined, I consider that the most overlooked of the ten commandments is: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour." Where in the bible does it say you can't tell the truth. People have said to me "Gosh Kate, it's amazing there haven't been any complaints about your sites" but the thing is this: people can complain all they like, but if information is true then it is not defamatory, and like Vince Seimer, I don't write things that aren't true, and I back up what I say with the evidence.
MAF threatened to sue me for defamation in 1999, it backfired on them rather badly as you will see. I went to a reporter and showed him and the editor of the Dominion Post the information and they immediately knew a very big scandal when they saw it, I showed them the evidence, they published it, and published it. The journalist won an award for one of the reports. If information is true, there's nothing illegal about publishing it (as long as the writer respects the Privacy Act, etc).
The big question is: why is the mainstream media ignoring these matters? They have a moral and ethical responsibility to report the news in a fair and balanced manner. Instead, they gave local recidivist violent offender and local bully Gary McPhee front page publicity to boast about the drunken home invasion and assault on the occupants of a local flat: "Exclusive: McPhee - Why I Did What I Did", an absolutely sickening piece of journalism completely and utterly biased in favour of McPhee and his mate, which slanders the victims and tries to make out that they are the criminals instead. An orchestrated litany of lies.
Then, after I paid $400 in nomination deposits to stand in the last local body elections, the Wairarapa Times-Age refused to publish my candidate profiles because the editor said that they were "potentially actionable", which is obviously rubbish and I won't bother to respond to it because if it were actionable then this site would have been challenged in Court long ago, as Georgina Beyer has so often threatened. Empty threats from an empty vessel. Beyer the Liar resigned from parliament in disgrace because of the evidence, published on these sites, that Beyer attempted to pervert the course of justice by misleading the public regarding the affairs of the Carterton District Council and the Carterton Community Centre.
Then, the Wairarapa Times-Age stooped even lower. Conspiring with corrupt police, who laid a charge and proceeded with a prosecution against me on the word of a liar, with absolutely no evidence to back it up, as they have done many times, the Times-Age displayed large posters outside every retail outlet in the entire Wairarapa area with large type saying "MAYORAL CANDIDATE IN COURT APPEARANCE", and a "news report" warning potential voters that I had appeared in Court charged with an offence, weeks before the election:
The charges were thrown out AGAIN. The decision of the Judge (below) records: "Mrs Raue, the Police do not have any evidence to offer against you today. The information is dismissed. You are free to go. It is over. The police complainant has not arrived." That's because the complainant was a liar, just like the other liars who have been encouraged to stand up in Court and give false evidence by corrupt local police. More information will be posted soon about this matter. When I rang the Times-Age and requested they publish the judgement, the editor and chief reporter laughed at me and said nobody was interested, especially them, and hung up on me. This is typical of the way local "news" media try and manipulate the voters - don't get sucked in any longer!
This is also absolutely typical of the Wairarapa police, who have wasted a huge amount of their time and resources - our resources! - pursuing a campaign of politically motivated personal vendettas and malicious, vexatious litigation while ignoring an avalanche of child abuse allegations. Every time the police either do not show up to Court, withdraw the charges, or are (or soon will be) proven to be liars, because that is exactly what they are - "police received no complaints about McPhee's attack at the flat", "there is no evidence that Michael Murphy attacked you on the 11th February", "the file number 010518/2481 does not exist", all deliberate LIES.
The police charged me with Billsticking in about 2003. First they tried to avoid actually producing the notice which was the subject of the charge in Court, asking for my agreement not to produce the notice they were alleging I stuck on the Wakelin Centre. I refused of course, and they were forced to admit that it was a notice inviting the community to a public meeting to discuss the illegal takeover, mismanagement and closure of the Carterton Community Centre. Of course everyone wondered why the police weren't investigating that instead of charging me with Billsticking.
Corrupt Police Constable Peter Cunningham mucked around, getting adjournments, and wasting more and more time and money, sending the notice off to a special laboratory in Christchurch and getting a specialist flown up to testify that my fingerprints were on the notice - and then he finally realised that even if my fingerprints were on the notice, that did not prove that I stuck it on the Wakelin Centre on such and such a date anyway, and in fact there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support the prosecution! This has repeatedly been the case regarding these matters from then until now - the police manipulate and waste the time of the Court, only turning up when it suits them, or when there's a bent Judge sitting.
The POINT is, that while all this has been going on, there is now an absolutely monumental amount of evidence of the veracity of the allegations on the notice that Cunningham and his mate, the Police prosecutor (who was having a mutually adulterous affair with the Court Registry officer Liz Harpleton) ignored, and evidence that Harpleton and Wilson, the prosecutor, and other police, were (and are) perverting the course of justice in the Masterton Court on a regular basis, and gratifying the whims of Cunningham and other vindictive and corrupt local police officers, while a huge backlog of uninvestigated child abuse allegations accumulated. They have wasted the time of the police and the Court on a string of vexatious and malicious prosecutions against me, while ignoring all these child abuse allegations! Then they have the cheek to whinge about not having enough resources - what utter rubbish! This is the true story of what they've been doing with their time, and resources, and our hard earned taxes!
These corrupt officers included the Area Commanders Rod Drew and Jack Johnston, Jack Johnston announced arrogantly in the Times-Age yesterday (20 May 2010) that he is refusing to resign over his total and utter incompetence and corruption. Good. Now he should be stripped of his perks, and baubles of office, and sacked in disgrace like he so richly deserves for all the victims who have suffered such fear and pain while he has covered up corruption and incompetence with lies over and over again, and condoned it openly and arrogantly. The question is, why hasn't he been sacked long ago? and why has he still got his snout so deep in the trough? How much longer will police bosses indulgently let him keep it there? Write to the Police Commissioner demanding he resign or be sacked forthwith.
The big question is: why is the mainstream media ignoring these matters? They have a moral and ethical responsibility to report the news in a fair and balanced manner. Instead, they gave local recidivist violent offender and local bully Gary McPhee front page publicity to boast about the drunken home invasion and assault on the occupants of a local flat: "Exclusive: McPhee - Why I Did What I Did", an absolutely sickening piece of journalism completely and utterly biased in favour of McPhee and his mate, which slanders the victims and tries to make out that they are the criminals instead. An orchestrated litany of lies.
Then it says: "As I've said in the letter, this is part of an ongoing difference of expectations between the Prosecutor and other staff. The Area Commander is looking into it and I hope a solution will be found quickly."
The letter to me is not an apology for wasting my time, the time of the Court and the considerable amount of tax payer's funds wasted by the officers involved in prosecuting this case, which never ever had any hope of success, it cheekily apologises for "the Police failure to bring this matter to a conclusion." I instructed Ken Daniels to write back and complain that the police were refusing to investigate the complaints of fraud and misfeasance that were the subject of the notice, and of which there was indisputable evidence, the Minutes of 31 May 2000 show that thousands of dollars was stolen from the bank accounts to pay an individual a large sum of money to go away and be quiet about their complaints about the running of the Centre by people mainly associated with the Carterton District Council. The rest of the Minutes show many other similar examples of fraud and serious misfeasance. The financial records of the Carterton Community Centre and the ten organisations under the administration and governance of these people on the Council show that thousand of dollars was regularly unaccounted for, and often used to pay individuals associated with the committee, and idiots like Georgina Beyer, large sums of money. Beyer the Liar was the Patron of the Society and actively tried to cover up the fraud and misfeasance, writing the letter that finally forced "her" resignation from parliament.
The allegations that were the subject of this matter, regarding the Carterton Community Centre have been deliberately ignored by the Police, and the PCA, from then until now.
Constable Cunningham should have been investigating the illegal takeover and closure of the Carterton Community Centre and the many allegations of fraud and misfeasance regarding the Centre, or the hundreds of uninvestigated child abuse allegations, instead of pursuing the politically motivated personal vendettas of Georgina Beyer and 'her' mates on the Carterton District Council, over what was - exactly like Vince Seimer's alleged transgression - a CIVIL MATTER. If Georgina and 'her' mates didn't like what I write about them, they can put their money where their mouth is and take me to Court themselves, it is not a matter for the police, especially when there is a huge backlog of child abuse cases and serious crime. Not one of these people would ever dare complain about what I have written about them, because they know it is all true.
Below is an even cheekier letter from Area Commander Jack Johnston which contains the damning remark about Constable Cunningham "following the instructions of his supervisors in relation to proceeding with this matter." This is evidence of systemic, endemic corruption from the top of the police force to the bottom ranks, older officers are corrupting younger ones, and other officers newly arrived at Masterton have blown the whistle on this before. The effect of corruption on young people is a key point in Sir Edmund Thomas's letters, that if we set this example we are going to breed a generation of people who have no respect for the law, or for authority.
This letter is a rude, arrogant, orchestrated litany of lies:

This is the pathetic rubbish people who waste their time writing to the so called Independent police complaints Authority receive after waiting however long and never ever speaking to an investigator. The PCA gives the complaint to the same police who are responsible for the actions complained of, and they just write rubbish like this and consider the matter "resolved" - yeah right!
This is an utter insult to our community! Not to mention blatant corruption. The many complaints about the fraud and misfeasance at the Carterton Community Centre have been ignored repeatedly by the police, who keep insisting that "the matters have been addressed in previous correspondence" - more lies!
I requested the file number refered to in the letter from Sergeant Reid of the Police regarding the complaints, and Police are now lying through their teeth (while they suck up our money with their slobbering chops) and writing me letters saying that the file doesn't exist.
They waste our money employing glorified bits of fluff like Tara Sewell to write deliberate lies like this, and "family friend" Acacia Simpson to make cups of tea for Constables Cunningham and Pope at the Carterton station. Sack the lot of them while there's still time to undo the damage these scum have done to our community.
Then, after I paid $400 in nomination deposits to stand in the last local body elections, the Wairarapa Times-Age refused to publish my candidate profiles because the editor said that they were "potentially actionable", which is obviously rubbish and I won't bother to respond to it because if it were actionable then this site would have been challenged in Court long ago, as Georgina Beyer has so often threatened. Empty threats from an empty vessel. Beyer the Liar resigned from parliament in disgrace because of the evidence, published on these sites, that Beyer attempted to pervert the course of justice by misleading the public regarding the affairs of the Carterton District Council and the Carterton Community Centre.
Then, the Wairarapa Times-Age stooped even lower. Conspiring with corrupt police, who laid a charge and proceeded with a prosecution against me on the word of a liar, with absolutely no evidence to back it up, as they have done many times, the Times-Age displayed large posters outside every retail outlet in the entire Wairarapa area with large type saying "MAYORAL CANDIDATE IN COURT APPEARANCE", and a "news report" warning potential voters that I had appeared in Court charged with an offence, weeks before the election.
The police charged me with Billsticking in about 2003. First they tried to avoid actually producing the notice which was the subject of the charge in Court, asking for my agreement not to produce the notice they were alleging I stuck on the Wakelin Centre. I refused of course, and they were forced to admit that it was a notice inviting the community to a public meeting to discuss the illegal takeover, mismanagement and closure of the Carterton Community Centre. Of course everyone wondered why the police weren't investigating that instead of charging me with Billsticking.
Corrupt Police Constable Peter Cunningham mucked around, getting adjournments, and wasting more and more time and money, sending the notice off to a special laboratory in Christchurch and getting a specialist flown up to testify that my fingerprints were on the notice - and then he finally realised that even if my fingerprints were on the notice, that did not prove that I stuck it on the Wakelin Centre between such and such dates anyway, and in fact there was absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support the prosecution, and it was a civil matter anyway.
The POINT is, that while all this has been going on, there is now an absolutely monumental amount of evidence of the veracity of the allegations on the notice that Cunningham and his mate, the Police prosecutor (who was having a mutually adulterous affair with the Court Registry officer Liz Harpleton) ignored, and evidence that Harpleton and Wilson, the prosecutor, and other police, were (and are) perverting the course of justice in the Masterton Court on a regular basis, and gratifying the whims of Cunningham and other vindictive and corrupt local police officers, while a huge backlog of uninvestigated child abuse allegations accumulated. They waste the time of the police and the Court on a string of vexatious and malicious prosecutions against me and
These corrupt officers included the Area Commanders Rod Drew and Jack Johnston, Jack Johnston announced arrogantly in the Times-Age yesterday (20 May 2010) that he is refusing to resign over his total and utter incompetence and corruption. Good. Now he should be stripped of his perks, and baubles of office, and sacked in disgrace like he so richly deserves for all the victims who have suffered such fear and pain while he has covered up corruption and incompetence with lies over and over again.
Here's the so-called apology from the Police:
Note the letter to Ken Daniels, first it says that although the letter was headed "Official Complaint", he has assumed that a letter is all that is required and so hasn't bothered to forward an Official Complaint to the PCA! This is outrageous - formal complaints should be forwarded to the police complaints authority immediately.
Then it says: "As I've said in the letter, this is part of an ongoing difference of expectations between the Prosecutor and other staff. The Area Commander is looking into it and I hope a solution will be found quickly."
The letter to me is not an apology for wasting my time, the time of the Court and the considerable amount of tax payer's funds wasted by the officers involved in prosecuting this case, which never ever had any hope of success, it cheekily apologises for "the Police failure to bring this matter to a conclusion." I instructed Ken Daniels to write back and complain that the police were refusing to investigate the complaints of fraud and misfeasance that were the subject of the notice, and of which there was indisputable evidence, the Minutes of 31 May 2000 show that thousands of dollars was stolen from the bank accounts to pay an individual a large sum of money to go away and be quiet about their complaints about the running of the Centre by people mainly associated with the Carterton District Council. The rest of the Minutes show many other similar examples of fraud and serious misfeasance. The financial records of the Carterton Community Centre and the ten organisations under the administration and governance of these people on the Council show that thousand of dollars was regularly unaccounted for, and often used to pay individuals associated with the committee, and idiots like Georgina Beyer, large sums of money. Beyer the Liar was the Patron of the Society and actively tried to cover up the fraud and misfeasance, writing the letter that finally forced "her" resignation from parliament.
The allegations that were the subject of this matter, regarding the Carterton Community Centre have been deliberately ignored by the Police, and the PCA, from then until now.
Constable Cunningham should have been investigating the illegal takeover and closure of the Carterton Community Centre and the many allegations of fraud and misfeasance regarding the Centre, or the hundreds of uninvestigated child abuse allegations, instead of pursuing the politically motivated personal vendettas of Georgina Beyer and 'her' mates on the Carterton District Council, over what was - exactly like Vince Seimer's alleged transgression - a CIVIL MATTER. If Georgina and 'her' mates didn't like what I write about them, they can put their money where their mouth is and take me to Court themselves, it is not a matter for the police, especially when there is a huge backlog of child abuse cases and serious crime. Not one of these people would ever dare complain about what I have written about them, because they know it is all true.
Below is an even cheekier letter from Area Commander Jack Johnston which contains the damning remark about Constable Cunningham "following the instructions of his supervisors in relation to proceeding with this matter." This is evidence of systemic, endemic corruption from the top of the police force to the bottom ranks, older officers are corrupting younger ones, and other officers newly arrived at Masterton have blown the whistle on this before. The effect of corruption on young people is a key point in Sir Edmund Thomas's letters, that if we set this example we are going to breed a generation of people who have no respect for the law, or for authority.
This letter is a rude, arrogant, orchestrated litany of lies:

This is the pathetic rubbish people who waste their time writing to the so called Independent police complaints Authority receive after waiting however long and never ever speaking to an investigator. The PCA gives the complaint to the same police who are responsible for the actions complained of, and they just write rubbish like this and consider the matter "resolved" - yeah right!
This is an utter insult to our community! Not to mention blatant corruption. The many complaints about the fraud and misfeasance at the Carterton Community Centre have been ignored repeatedly by the police, who keep insisting that "the matters have been addressed in previous correspondence" - more lies!
I requested the file number refered to in the letter from Sergeant Reid of the Police regarding the complaints, and Police are now lying through their teeth (while they suck up our money with their slobbering chops) and writing me letters saying that the file doesn't exist.
They waste our money employing glorified bits of fluff like Tara Sewell to write deliberate lies like this, and "family friend" Acacia Simpson to make cups of tea for Constables Cunningham and Pope at the Carterton station. Sack the lot of them while there's still time to undo the damage these scum have done to our community.
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