The Crown has given up the ghost of the unlikely chance it had of ever succeeding with the charge of Perverting the Course of Justice which corrupt police officers conspired to lay in the first place, and proceed with, after the joined indictment of Escaping From Custody was thrown out last September.
It is over two years since I was charged with the offences, after a remarkable sequence of events. The campaign of harassment and corrupt and malicious prosecution against me by the Wairarapa police (in collusion with various other people) has cost the New Zealand tax payers a small fortune in monetary terms, but the greatest cost by far has been the damage to the integrity of the justice system and the New Zealand police.
Not to mention the chilling and shocking insight into the New Zealand mental health system, and how it's used to silence critics of the so called 'justice' system!
After over two years of these corrupt prosecutions the Crown filed a memorandum in the Court dated 15 June 2011 stating that they proposed calling no evidence against me. They had no evidence to offer from the moment the charges were laid. The events of the last five months have been a chilling revelation into mental health services and the justice system in New Zealand these days.
Five months ago, on the 4th March, I was arrested at my home by Constables Paul Dallinger and Mia Wilton, who took obvious delight in pushing me around, handcuffing me, groping me, etc, during the "arrest". When we got to the Masterton police station they told me that the Judge had gone home (a Friday, just after midday) and I'd have to stay in the police station cells overnight. They alleged that I had breached Court bail by not going to psychiatric appointments and Court. I told them what I told Judge Barry only a week or so earlier: After the initial psychiatric assessment had been in Masterton (which I had attended, with Dr Justin Barry-Walsh) I then received two letters advising me of two other appointments in Porirua. I am unemployed, since the
police lied to the school I worked at and told the
most outrageous
lies (police told the school that they'd "recently charged me with an offence involving a child", etc) and I certainly cannot afford to travel to Porirua - twice.
WINZ refused to assist me with an application for (a recoverable grant of) financial assistance on the following grounds:
"Work and Income can not be seen to assist people who do not abide by the law"!
So much for being innocent until found guilty. Judge Barry agreed with me that this was unacceptable because the appointments should have been made in Masterton in the first place like the initial appointment, which I had attended. I understood that my attendance at the minor Court fixture had been excused pending the reports being completed, it certainly should have been.
My doctor had written police and the Court letters attesting to the serious effect that this campaign of bullying and harassment was having on my physical and mental health. I was regularly suffering depression and claustrophobia from all the hours I was forced to spend sitting in cells, Courts, etc, one letter particularly asked that my attendance be excused if possible and that I not be locked in cells unnecessarily.
Police Complaints Authority has already upheld previous complaints about the brutal, sadistic and corrupt actions of the Wairarapa police towards me.
I was finally brought before Judge Davidson in the Wellington Court on Tuesday 8th March after being taken to the Court on the Monday, but being sent back to Arohata Prison because the amicus curiae, Bryan Yeoman, hadn't turned up to Court. While waiting in the horrible graffiti covered, filthy cells that feel like medieval dungeons, in came a woman who introduced herself as Sally Rimkeit. This woman (Brenda Sally Rimkeit) wrote a certificate for the Court that in her opinion I needed to be held in custody to have two psychiatric reports completed to determine whether I was fit to stand trial or whether I was insane. On the basis of her opinion I was remanded to a maximum security psychiatric institution, almost all of the other women (there were men there too, but I got to know the women better) patients were serving custodial sentences for convictions of murder, or attempted murder, but they were LOVELY ladies, and it was a very enlightening experience indeed and I count some of the people who I met while I went through that experience among my dearest friends now).
I was detained there for months, forcibly and unnecessarily drugged with serious heavy duty antipsychotic medication, and witnessed, and personally suffered, absolutely appalling 'treatment' at the hands of people, some of whom were WAY more deluded than I am, all at the expense of the good old New Zealand taxpayer. At our first meeting (on 8 March) she told me that she had only recently qualified as a forensic psychiatrist
In her report dated 22 March (after two weeks of 'treatment') "Dr" Rimkeit makes the following statement under the heading "Assessment of fitness to stand trial:"
"It is my opinion (and that of forensic psychiatrist Dr Jacqueline Short, currently my acting supervisor) that Ms Raue is unfit to stand trial. She currently has a mental impairment which is Delusional Disorder. Ms Raue has stated on a number of occasions during this assessment period that she feels capable of representing and defending herself against the current charges. She has suggested that her main line of defence is that the charges are the result of corrupt acts by certain parties and that she will name these parties in Court. My concern is that if she proceeds to represent herself at Court she may, through her delusional belief system, falsely accuse certain parties of wrongdoing."
I am the one falsely accused, and fully intended to call a witness who will swear on oath that they heard Aaron Brook boasting that Gary McPhee (ex Mayor and drunken bully) paid him money to lie in Court against me, I am perfectly entitled to do this, and it would have most definitely been in the public interest and in the interests of justice for the jury to decide that, not Brenda Silly Rimkeit! It is completely outrageous that a serious criminal trial can be aborted like this because of the mumbo jumbo of mad women like this and malicious doctors like Safarti, who knew perfectly well that I was not delusional, not a danger to myself or anyone else, perfectly well able to care for myself and not suffering from any major mental illness and probably not any minor one either for that matter unless you count depression and situational claustrophobia.
Furthermore, a number of psychiatrists did not share Rimkeit's delusions, Dr Justin Barry-Walsh wrote:
"Her account included a number of persecutory ideas. However on balance, considering her ideas and reviewing the other materials, I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions." He also says "I would further observe the litigious quality to her presentation means that she has an exaggerated intellectual understanding of court process and would be well capable of following legal process and both entering a plea and instructing a lawyer."
Dr Judson's report of 13 June 2011 says:
"Ms Raue presented as pleasant, polite, well groomed and looked physically quite healthy and relaxed." "Her manner was pleasant and quite relaxed throughout the interview and she showed no evidence of any pressure in her thinking. Her speech, while a little speeded at times, was not noticeably pressured and her thought processes were logical and rational throughout the period of the interview. We spent some time discussing the issues of the court, the charges and her intended defence. She was able to explain clearly and rationally the way in which she intends to defend herself against the charge and remained focused on this throughout, without introducing any extraneous or irrelevant material and without displaying any paranoid thought processes in relation to the charges." "Her understanding of the legal issues is very good and she has the ability to formulate and enter a plea and to follow all the matters pertinent to the court." "Overall my impression is that she will be able to interact successfully with the court for the purpose of conducting her defence. In my opinion she is fit to stand trial."
This makes an utter mockery of Rimkeit's comments and of the Crown memorandum. The Crown never had any intention of allowing this matter to go to trial because they knew perfectly well that it was an orchestrated litany of lies cobbled together in a pathetic attempt to pervert the course of justice by the Wairarapa police, professional leech Bryan Yeoman (there's a link on this site to the Legal Services website showing how much money he's been paid for his "services" and others.
Constable Laura Rhymer lied,
fabricated evidence and committed perjury, falsely charging me with offences which she knew perfectly well I hadn't committed. She conspired with other corrupt Wairarapa police officers to conceal serious violent crimes and instead pursue a vindictive campaign of corrupt harassment against the victim of the crimes. I have already been acquitted of the joined count of Escaping From Custody which was thrown out after Crown Prosecutor Ms Andrea Ewing had the good sense (last September) to agree that was the proper thing to do.
If the trial had gone ahead the extent of the police corruption would have been revealed and proven, it is an outrageous miscarriage of justice that the trial has been aborted, and the reasons given by the Crown prosecutor are a pathetic load of claptrap.
Then read the
correspondence from the IPCA - and the blatant and deliberate refusal to acknowledge - let alone investigate - serious complaints from senior lawyers about these matters.
The Police Complaints Authority has already upheld a previous complaint about the brutal, sadistic and corrupt actions of the Wairarapa police towards me.
I was finally brought before Judge Davidson in the Wellington Court on Tuesday 8th March after being taken to the Court on the Monday, but being sent back to Arohata Prison because the amicus curiae, Bryan Yeoman, hadn't turned up to Court. While waiting in the horrible graffiti covered, filthy cells that feel like medieval dungeons, in came a woman who introduced herself as Sally Rimkeit. This woman (Brenda Sally Rimkeit) wrote a certificate for the Court that in her opinion I needed to be held in custody to have two more psychiatric reports completed to determine whether I was fit to stand trial or whether I was insane. On the basis of her opinion I was remanded to a medium security psychiatric institution, with people who had been found guilty of murder, etc). I was detained there for months, forcibly drugged with serious heavy duty antipsychotic medication, and witnessed, and personally suffered, absolutely appalling 'treatment' at the hands of people, some of whom were WAY more deluded than I have ever been, all at the expense of the good old New Zealand taxpayer. At our first meeting (on 8 March) Rimkeit told me that she had only recently qualified as a forensic psychiatrist, and was still acting under supervision. In her last report to the Court she advises that she will no longer be practicing forensic psychiatry. Here's why she should be charged with contempt of Court:
In her report dated 22 March (after two weeks of 'treatment') "Dr" Rimkeit makes the following statement under the heading "Assessment of fitness to stand trial:"
"It is my opinion (and that of forensic psychiatrist Dr Jacqueline Short, currently my acting supervisor) that Ms Raue is unfit to stand trial. She currently has a mental impairment which is Delusional Disorder. Ms Raue has stated on a number of occasions during this assessment period that she feels capable of representing and defending herself against the current charges. She has suggested that her main line of defence is that the charges are the result of corrupt acts by certain parties and that she will name these parties in Court. My concern is that if she proceeds to represent herself at Court she may, through her delusional belief system, falsely accuse certain parties of wrongdoing."
What?!!! I am the one falsely accused, and I fully intended to call a witness who will swear on oath that they heard Aaron Brook boasting that Gary McPhee (ex Mayor and drunken bully) paid him money to lie in Court against me, I am perfectly entitled to do this, and it would have most definitely been in the public interest and in the interests of justice for the jury to decide that, not Brenda Silly Rimkeit! It is completely outrageous that a serious criminal trial can be aborted like this because of the mumbo jumbo of mad women like this and malicious doctors like Safarti, who knew perfectly well that I was not delusional, not a danger to myself or anyone else, perfectly well able to care for myself and not suffering from any major mental illness, and probably not any minor one either for that matter, unless you count depression and situational claustrophobia.
So Dr Barry-Walsh wrote that I suffered no psychiatric illness and in particular I was not delusional on 4th March, the day of my arrest, but after two weeks of "Dr" Rimkeit's "medicine" I was suddenly seriously delusional?
Constable Laura Rhymer lied, fabricated evidence and committed perjury, falsely charging me with offences which she knew perfectly well I hadn't committed. She conspired with Constable Peter Cletus Cunningham and other corrupt Wairarapa police officers to conceal serious violent crimes and instead pursue a vindictive campaign of corrupt harassment against the victim of the crimes. I have already been acquitted of the joined count of Escaping From Custody which was thrown out after Crown Prosecutor Ms Andrea Ewing had the good sense (last September) to agree that was the proper thing to do.
If the trial had gone ahead the extent of the police corruption would have been revealed and proven, it is an outrageous miscarriage of justice that the trial has been aborted, and the reasons given by the Crown prosecutor are a pathetic load of claptrap.
The charge of Perverting the Course of Justice was set down for a pre trial hearing on 28 June 2011. The jury trial was to begin on July 4th, set down for three days, but suddenly, on 22nd June I was summoned to the Wellington Court to address the matter of the following Crown memorandum dated 15 June: My comments, quotes from Court reports, etc, are in italics:
MEMORANDUM OF THE CROWN: Presented for filing by GJ Burston, Crown Solicitor
1. Katherine Raue is charged with one count of attempting to pervert the course of justice. The offending is alleged to have occurred in April 2009.
KR: No, I had been charged with two counts, joined into one indictment by Judge Behrens QC, and I had already been acquitted of the count of Escaping From Custody after Constable Laura Rhymer gave perjurous evidence in the Wellington District Court.
2. A trial is set to proceed on 5 July 2011.
3. It is alleged that Ms Raue went to her neighbours and told them to tell police that she had seen a man by the name of Michael Murphy outside the front of her house. Ms Raue then rang police and made a statement to police saying that her house had been burgled. Ms Raue advised police that her neighbours had seen Michael Murphy outside the front of her house at the time of the alleged burglary.
KR: No, FIRST I rang police and reported the burglary by Murphy of the evidence of his earlier crime (- which was witnessed by THREE other people), and THEN the neighbours came over to my house and volunteered the information that they'd seen Murphy driving his car very near my house at the same time I'd reported him being here. I was correct in advising police that the neighbours had seen Murphy very near my house at the time of the alleged burglary. The neighbours have consistently stated that fact repeatedly.
4. Police spoke to Ms Raue's neighbours, they gave a statement to police and shortly after that they retracted their statement. The neighbours claimed that they had not seen Michael Murphy outside the front of Ms Raue's house, instead they told police that they had on instruction from Ms Raue told police that they had.
KR: This is the most outrageous lie of all. The neighbours have consistently told police that they saw Murphy driving his car in the near vicinity of the front of my house at the date and time I had earlier reported the burglary. Below is a copy of the Disclosure list, and it can clearly be seen that there was no statement of 8 April in existence. There is a link at this post to the relevant pages of Constable Rhymer's notebook, in which she wrote my statement at 18:30 hours on the 8th April, then we are supposed to believe that she took a statement from Aaron Brook but wrote it by hand on a couple of bits of unlined A4 paper instead of in her notebook.
She is lying. Her oral evidence at the Depositions hearing makes that crystal clear. She also tried to withhold pages of the notebook, Lawyer Ken Daniels has noted in the margin that there are pages missing, and noted the discrepancies in the Disclosure on this list as well. The evidence is just not credible no matter which way you look at it and that's all there is to it. There are a number of other serious discrepancies in the witness statements also, which will come out in due course. The list of disclosure which is annotated by my lawyer, Ken Daniels, shows only ONE statement from Aaron Brook - this same disclosure, and list, was also supplied to another lawyer involved (Frank Minehan) - Laura Rhymer lied in Court and tried at the last minute to produce another statement during the hearing, but she failed to convince the Judge or the prosecutor or anyone else, and that is why the charges were thrown out - after an application BY THE PROSECUTOR to have them thrown out. And good on the prosecutor that day, Ms Andrea Ewing, who had the good sense and moral courage to stop wasting the Court's time pursuing Constable Rhymer's corrupt prosecution which was a travesty of justice and a blatant attempt to pervert the course of justice, and make the application to have the charge dismissed instead. I hope Ms Ewing has a long and illustrious career in law and never loses her good sense and moral courage.

5. Ms Raue was charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice on the basis of the false statement she made to police.
Police deliberately falsely charged me on the basis of corruptly formulated "evidence" which was never going to stand up to scrutiny in the first place, which is why the police are now advising the Court they do not intend to produce any evidence at trial, because there never was any evidence. The Depositions Evidence is a joke, and the matter should never have got past the Depositions hearing. There should be an investigation into the two JP's who allowed the matter to proceed through the Court - their job is to weed out cases like this! Back to the Crown memorandum:
Ms Raue's mental health:
6. On 23 November 2010, pursuant to the Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003 ("CP(MIP) Act") the Court ordered two assessment reports be provided to the Court by 22 March 2011 to assist in determining whether Ms Raue was fit to stand trial and/or whether she was insane.
7. Ms Raue failed to answer her requisite appointments with psychiatrists.
KR: I certainly did attend appointments. In November 2009 Dr Barry-Walsh wrote a report after one such appointment which I went to considerable trouble to attend, having to bicycle from Carterton to Masterton in the rain to do so. In this report, Dr Barry-Walsh wrote: "Ms Raue displayed marked distress, reported low mood and appeared depressed. She was pressured on interview and gave a digressive and detailed account of herself. She was emotional." (Anyone would have been, under the circumstances.) "Her account included a number of persecutory ideas. However on balance considering her ideas and reviewing the other materials, I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions."
He also says "I would further observe the litigious quality to her presentation means that she has an exaggerated intellectual understanding of court process and would be well capable of following legal process and both entering a plea and instructing a lawyer."
Another psychiatrist also wrote the following: "Ms Raue presented as pleasant, polite, well groomed and looked physically quite healthy and relaxed." "Her manner was pleasant and quite relaxed throughout the interview and she showed no evidence of any pressure in her thinking. Her speech, while a little speeded at times, was not noticeably pressured and her thought processes were logical and rational throughout the period of the interview.
We spent some time discussing the issues of the court, the charges and her intended defence. She was able to explain clearly and rationally the way in which she intends to defend herself against the charge and remained focused on this throughout, without introducing any extraneous or irrelevant material and without displaying any paranoid thought processes in relation to the charges." "Her understanding of the legal issues is very good and she has the ability to formulate and enter a plea and to follow all the matters pertinent to the court."
"Overall my impression is that the degree of improvement that we are now seeing suggests that she will be able to interact successfully with the court for the purpose of conducting her defence. In my opinion she is now fit to stand trial." This makes an utter mockery of the Crown memorandum, which was written two days after this report was, apparently.
Another very relevant point is the outrageous decision of the Ministry of Social Development. As I am an 'invalid' (according to them), I applied to MSD for assistance with travel expenses to get to the two subsequent appointments I was advised to attend IN PORIRUA, after Bryan Yeoman succeeded in wasting the time of the Court by saying Dr Barry-Walsh's report was outdated and I needed to get two more done. The appointments should have been made in Masterton like the first one was! The decision of the Ministry of Social Development was:
"The application is denied. Work and Income cannot be seen to assist people who do not abide by the law."
What an outrageous breach of the New Zealand Bill of Rights! A person is innocent until proven guilty!
8. On 8 March 2011, Judge Davidson ordered that Ms Raue be detained pursuant to section 38 (2) (c) (ii) of the CP(MIP) Act. He directed that two reports be provided to the Court by 22 March 2011 to determine whether Ms Raue was fit to stand trial and/or whether she was insane.
Yes, but only after Constable Peter Cunningham lied about a non existent pattern of making complaints about police, or having involvement with police, "when she previously lived in Wellington." I had next to nothing to do with police when I lived in Wellington and Cunningham's statements are an orchestrated litany of lies, like the rest of the case for the prosecution, and after the Court staff and local police had a meeting and declared "Everyone agrees she's a bit marginal" - the Court registrar and police prosecutor cheated on their spouses and shacked up together and regularly conspire to pervert the course of justice in the Masterton Court, as everyone knows.
9. Ms Raue was admitted to the Rangipapa Unit on Tuesday 8 March 2011.
KR: On the 4th March 2011 Dr Barry-Walsh, who had previously written "I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions" wrote another report saying: "I could find no evidence on an albeit brief assessment that there had been any change in her underlying psychiatric state from my previous assessment". I was only admitted to Rangipapa because of the corrupt actions of Brenda Sally Rimkeit, Bryan Yeoman, and District Court Judge Bruce Davidson, on the 8th March.
10. On 12 March 2011, while committed to hospital pursuant to the CP(MIP) Act, Ms Raue's mental health declined. She was provided with compulsory assessment and treatment pursuant to section 13 of the Mental Health Act (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1932 ("Mental Health Act").
KR: My mental health declined? - I was unhappy because I had been locked in a secure mental asylum and prison and denied a phone call to a lawyer for nine days. Any normal person would have felt increasingly depressed too! I went and sat in my room and cried. The next thing some evil little man who I later found out was Dr Hiran Thabrew, - whose wife had committed suicide on 29th March 2010 - declared me insane, knowing full well that I wasn't.
Dr Hiran Thabrew is a cruel sadistic, manipulative, corrupt "Doctor" and I don't doubt that if he continues to be allowed to "practice" psychiatry in New Zealand he will be involved in other suicides also. Any person who wants to know more about the tragic death of Chelsea Brindle Thabrew can do what I did, and write to Coronial.Information@justice.govt.nz and request a copy of the Coroner's findings.
Drs Hiran Thabrew and Eileen Wooley signed the papers having barely set eyes on me, but nowhere can I find any notes whatsoever as to a diagnosis - the forms just say that "There are reasonable grounds to believe that the patient is mentally disordered and that it is desirable that the proposed patient be required to undergo further assessment and treatment."
The signing of the papers was a complete travesty! Neither Thabrew or Wooley made any attempt at 'examining' me - their actions are outrageous! Dr Thabrew wouldn't know mental illness or "danger to themselves" if he fell over it! - He makes it up as he goes along and he is a sadistic and dangerous man with an evil streak. He knew perfectly well that I wasn't mentally ill.
A Certificate of Further Assessment was filled in on 17 March by one Dr Sarfati, who had also briefly spoken to me on the 12th. While Drs Thabrew and Wooley seemed to be going through the motions, Dr Safarti seemed to be one of the people pulling the strings. On 31st March Dr Safarti wrote a report for the Court about why I should be detained in a secure mental asylum at the tax payers expense for a further period. This report is just ridiculous, it says things like I talk fast. It says: "With regard to her delusional beliefs, she told her R/C that:
- After being fired from her school in Carterton, she believed that the headmaster had been paid off or bribed to do so. The pay off was large enough for him to purchase a BMW car." This is ridiculous - this site and several others have all the information about this matter that I know about ("believe") and nowhere on any of them does it say anything about a BMW car or anything like this "belief", which is nothing more than a figment of Sally Rimkeit's delusional imagination, not mine. It was a lot like Chinese whispers, the way these ridiculous allegations - which we must remember is supposed to be evidence of a serious mental illness - spread from one report to the next with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Judge Mill recognised this in his decision of 11 May 2011.
- "That a witness, Aaron Brook was paid off to lie about her" There is at least one witness who will swear on oath that they heard Brook stating exactly that - boasting about being paid off by Gary McPhee to lie in Court.
- "When asked why people were against her, it was because they were trying to take revenge because she exposed them on Wiki Leaks." I have never exposed anything or anyone on "Wiki Leaks". - Incidentally, my name has never been spelled 'Kathryn' either; Drs Rimkeit, Short, Thabrew, Wooley, Romans, Judson and Barry-Walsh insisted on referring to me in their reports with the erroneous delusion that it was. They refused all rebuttal from me on the matter. Not to mention the rebuttal of all my friends and family, and all evidence to the contrary. Local police (some of them) are "against me" because I noted their disgraceful performance. The disgrace has also been widely noted by a variety of other sources as well. This situation has reached a critical stage. I am not delusional, public opinion is obviously entirely in accordance with my beliefs.
- "She is convinced she is in hospital illegally and wants her status to be overturned." 'Being held unlawfully' was the term I used. And again, this is not evidence of any serious mental illness, it is the reaction of any sane person who found themselves locked in a secure mental asylum and unable to contact a lawyer, etc
- "She will not accept that the Judiciary and Police may be against her as a result of her behaviour." Her behaviour? What behaviour exactly? This is typically as specific as these 'certificates' and 'reports' get. It is up to the Judge and the Jury to decide the merits of that proposition at the trial, as it's up to them to decide the question of whether I am guilty of Perverting the Course of Justice, or whether, as I state, and will do so on oath, and produce evidence in verification of it, that the police and their witnesses in this matter are lying, and are "against me" because they are essentially corrupt (or have been acting incompetently and corruptly) and I have been drawing attention to it.
The report then says "It seems to me that Katherine has been convinced that she has been maligned by the Police and Judiciary verging on the delusional. Also she expressed delusional ideas about the reason why she was fired from her work at the school. There is little doubt in my mind that she feels that she has been maligned." The evidence speaks for itself regarding the matter of the South End School: The police told the Principal and the Board of Trustees that they had "recently charged me with an offence involving a child and have refused to this very day to admit it, let alone admit that the allegation is untrue and apologise for spreading these malicious, delusional and defamatory lies.
Because of this corrupt, sadistic and insane quackery I was forcibly medicated with strong antipsychotic medications, including Aripiprazole, Risperidone, Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Clonazepam and others, because I criticised the police, etc, despite all the evidence linked to above. On more than one occasion I was given the wrong medication. It is absolutely incredible that this can happen in New Zealand in this day and age - this is like something out of a third world dictatorship or something!
11. Ms Raue has remained in hospital subject to assessment and treatment under the Mental Health Act, section 30 (Compulsory In-patient Order) which was made on 4 May 2011. This Order continues until 3 November 2011.
KR: The Order was discharged less than a month after the Crown filed this corrupt document informing the Court it intended to offer no evidence against me. I was given leave from the hospital on 17th June 2011 and discharged totally from the Mental Health Act the following month by Dr Wolfgang Kure, as soon as he was assigned my responsible clinician. Dr Kure was suddenly appointed my RC when Gary Orr, Jackie Short and Sally Rimkeit all went overseas at once apparently - like rats off a sinking ship, as soon as I reinstated my Application to the High Court for a Judicial Review!
12. The District Court has received several reports from Ms Raue's treating physicians pursuant to the CP(MIP) Act. They address Ms Raue's fitness to stand trial and/or whether she is insane, within the meaning of the legislation.
13. The report writers note that "Ms Raue is currently being treated for mood disorders and for beliefs which have from time to time reached delusional intensity". Her treating physicians report that the beliefs are related to events in the Wairarapa community and have now extended to conspiracy beliefs around the police, courts and mental health authorities.
KR: On the 4th March 2011 Dr Barry-Walsh, who had previously written
"I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions" wrote: "I could find no evidence on an albeit brief assessment that there had been any change in her underlying psychiatric state from my previous assessment."
14. Her treating physicians have made it clear that she cannot represent herself without assistance from a lawyer and that her mental health is aggravated by the court process.
KR: Just who is delusional here? Dr Judson's report of 13 June 2011 says: "Ms Raue presented as pleasant, polite, well groomed and looked physically quite healthy and relaxed." "Her manner was pleasant and quite relaxed throughout the interview and she showed no evidence of any pressure in her thinking. Her speech, while a little speeded at times, was not noticeably pressured and her thought processes were logical and rational throughout the period of the interview. We spent some time discussing the issues of the court, the charges and her intended defence. She was able to explain clearly and rationally the way in which she intends to defend herself against the charge and remained focused on this throughout, without introducing any extraneous or irrelevant material and without displaying any paranoid thought processes in relation to the charges." "Her understanding of the legal issues is very good and she has the ability to formulate and enter a plea and to follow all the matters pertinent to the court." "Overall my impression is that the degree of improvement that we are now seeing suggests that she will be able to interact successfully with the court for the purpose of conducting her defence. In my opinion she is now fit to stand trial." This makes an utter mockery of Rimkeit's comments and of the Crown memorandum. The Crown never had any intention of allowing this matter to go to trial because they knew perfectly well that it was an orchestrated litany of lies cobbled together in a pathetic attempt to pervert the course of justice by the Wairarapa police, professional leech Bryan Yeoman (there's a link on this site to the Legal Services website showing how much money he's been paid for his "services" and others.
15. Ms Raue does not have a defence of insanity open to her. She appears capable of understanding the nature and quality of the alleged offence.
16. Ms Raue's physicians have advised that upon her release Ms Raue will continue to be monitored and treated by Mental Health Services in the community. What rubbish - this certainly never happened!
17. It is clear that Ms Raue is currently significantly unwell. She is detained in hospital. It is likely that her mental condition influenced her offending. Continuation of the Court process has potential to fuel Ms Raue's delusions and paranoia. It may delay or prevent her recovery.
KR: What rubbish! This pack of lies is nothing but a blatant and deliberate attempt to pervert the course of justice by Crown solicitor Grant Burstyn! I was NOT significantly unwell at all and I was NOT "currently detained in hospital" and I was NOT monitored on my release at all or required to take any medication, I was released UNCONDITIONALLY - PRIOR to this application by the Crown to throw the charge out!!! Dr Judson's report of 13 June 2011 - two days before this application was written - says:
"Ms Raue presented as pleasant, polite, well groomed and looked physically quite healthy and relaxed." "Her manner was pleasant and quite relaxed throughout the interview and she showed no evidence of any pressure in her thinking. Her speech, while a little speeded at times, was not noticeably pressured and her thought processes were logical and rational throughout the period of the interview. We spent some time discussing the issues of the court, the charges and her intended defence. She was able to explain clearly and rationally the way in which she intends to defend herself against the charge and remained focused on this throughout, without introducing any extraneous or irrelevant material and without displaying any paranoid thought processes in relation to the charges." "Her understanding of the legal issues is very good and she has the ability to formulate and enter a plea and to follow all the matters pertinent to the court." "Overall my impression is that the degree of improvement that we are now seeing suggests that she will be able to interact successfully with the court for the purpose of conducting her defence. In my opinion she is now fit to stand trial."
On the 4th March 2011 Dr Barry-Walsh, who had previously written:
"I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions" wrote:
"I could find no evidence on an albeit brief assessment that there had been any change in her underlying psychiatric state from my previous assessment."
Two days after this memorandum was written I was allowed to go home, and have had little involvement with mental health services since then. I have been discharged from the Mental Health Act and the medication ceased, on the advice of well respected psychiatrist Dr Wolfgang Kure and his team. I was never in need of the horrific and sadistic "treatment" administered to me in Rangipapa and Te Whare Ahuru, or the forcibly administered 'medication'. Sadistic, dangerous drug dealers like Brenda Sally Rimkeit, Jacqueline Short, Gary Orr, etc, should be locked up in the public interest!
In her report dated 22 March (after two weeks of medication and sadistic and cruel 'treatment' by these raving lunatics) corrupt liar "Dr" Brenda Sally Rimkeit makes the following statement under the heading "Assessment of fitness to stand trial:"
"It is my opinion (and that of forensic psychiatrist Dr Jacqueline Short, currently my acting supervisor) that Ms Raue is unfit to stand trial. She currently has a mental impairment which is Delusional Disorder. Ms Raue has stated on a number of occasions during this assessment period that she feels capable of representing and defending herself against the current charges. She has suggested that her main line of defence is that the charges are the result of corrupt acts by certain parties and that she will name these parties in Court. My concern is that if she proceeds to represent herself at Court she may, through her delusional belief system, falsely accuse certain parties of wrongdoing."
What?!!! This is blatant and outrageous corruption!
I am the one falsely accused, and fully intended to call a witness who will swear on oath that they heard Aaron Brook boasting that Gary McPhee (ex Mayor and drunken bully) paid him money to lie in Court against me, I am perfectly entitled to do this, and it would have most definitely been in the public interest and in the interests of justice for the jury to decide that, not Brenda Silly Rimkeit! It is completely outrageous that a serious criminal trial can be aborted like this because of the mumbo jumbo of mad women like this and malicious doctors like Safarti, who knew perfectly well that I was not delusional, not a danger to myself or anyone else, perfectly well able to care for myself and not suffering from any major mental illness and probably not any minor one either for that matter unless you count depression and situational claustrophobia.
Furthermore, a number of psychiatrists did not share Rimkeit's delusions, Dr Justin Barry-Walsh wrote:
"Her account included a number of persecutory ideas. However on balance, considering her ideas and reviewing the other materials, I do not think Ms Raue has a mental illness, particularly I do not believe that she has a psychotic illness characterised by the development of persecutory delusions."
He also says:
"I would further observe the litigious quality to her presentation means that she has an exaggerated intellectual understanding of court process and would be well capable of following legal process and both entering a plea and instructing a lawyer."
18 In these circumstances it is considered that continued prosecution of the charge against the accused is not required in the public interest. Subject to any directions from the Court, the Crown intends to offer no evidence in relation to this matter. Dated at Wellington this 15th day of June 2011. G J Burstyn, Crown Solicitor.
KR: The Crown was never going to offer any evidence on this charge anyway because there never was any evidence! Certain parties to these proceedings have strung the matter out deliberately, knowing perfectly well that there has never been any evidence in support of the charges, which have been laid corruptly and in bad faith in order to deliberately pervert the course of justice. There have been false declarations deliberately made to the Court by the police, Bryan Yeoman, the above mentioned psychiatric staff and others. It is in the public interest and in the interests of justice that this matter is investigated by judicial inquiry as soon as possible. G J Burston should be imprisoned for this - no wonder Greg King couldn't take it any more! This taxpayer funded corruption is sickening!
A dismissal under this section of the Act is deemed an acquittal.
The charge of escaping from custody was thrown out the previous September after Constable Rhymer told the Court how she said "We might go the Masterton" and "We could go to Masterton" etc and Judge Barry rightly agreed that this is a far cry from "You are under arrest and you have the right to remain silent" etc.
On the 22nd July 2011 Dr Kure discharged me and certified that there was nothing wrong with me - Just as Dr Barry-Walsh had reported in the first place. Drs Rimkeit, Short, Romans, Sarfati and others should be convicted for the blatant and evil corruption which they committed deliberately, in an attempt to pervert the course of justice and ensure the matter never went to trial.
Constable Laura Rhymer LIED IN COURT during the hearing of the Crown application to limit the evidence the jury heard regarding the corruptly laid charge of escaping from custody - it was so apparent to the Judge hearing the application that he threw the charge out entirely because both the Judge and the assigned prosecutor, Ms Andrea Ewing (who had the good sense and moral fibre to make the application for dismissal half way through the travesty of a hearing), could see that Rhymer was blatantly LYING!
But incredibly, despite this memorandum, Wairarapa police are still pursuing a number of other, equally corrupt prosecutions against me. The matters were called in the Masterton Court today, 1 August 2011, after they have already got two previous adjournments of the matters since the Crown convinced the Court that it wouldn't be in the public interest to continue the serious charge - if it's not in the public interest to charge me with perverting the course of justice how is it in the public interest to continue with these other pathetic charges (link up soon to the Court "evidence")? Evidence provided by police shows indisputably that I was repeatedly assaulted by Wayne Friend and his low life drug addicted mates when I tried to collect my belongings from the address where I previously lived, after being invited in writing by the property owner to do so, a matter which police refuse to investigate despite the indisputable evidence! The charges against me will never be proven because they are based on utter lies and the police know it but still they persist, in spite of the claims in the Crown memorandum that doing so is likely to "delay or prevent my recovery, aggravate my condition, fuel my delusions and paranoia", etc.
Court registry officer Liz Harpleton was sitting up on the bench with Judge Hobbs, and her boyfriend, police prosecutor Gary Wilson, the pair of them successfully got yet another adjournment - they should both get the sack for conspiring to pervert the course of justice - not to mention Court manager and serial liar Mark Elliot. There have been numerous complaints of outright corruption and collusion between Harpleton and Wilson and it is an outrageous conflict of interest and makes a contemptuous mockery of the Court the longer it continues. Apparently the pathetic Wairarapa police have now got yet another adjournment until August 18th! What an utter waste of time and money! Our money, tax payers money. And the blatant arrogance of it in the face of all the evidence about the hundreds of uninvestigated child abuse cases and the role of the police in covering it up, making files disappear, etc. The third bullet point below paragraph numbered "10" below has several links to evidence of this disgraceful scandal.
There needs to be a full inquiry into the Wairarapa police, and the Crown prosecutor, as soon as possible, it was revealed that there are hundreds of uninvestigated child abuse allegations and that Wairarapa police deliberately tried to conceal that fact, destroying files and saying they were "lost" etc. - This is like the investigation into the claims of Louise Nicholas and the subsequent inquiry into only the sexual conduct of the police - the real issue is not the sordid sexual aspects of matter but the fact that Louise Nicholas complained about this behaviour for years and that a number of senior police officers deliberately tried to pervert the course of justice for so long and refused to investigate it. We need a proper inquiry into the police and the PCA - adding the word "Independent" to the name of the organisation is a joke, the PCA (IPCA) is anything but independent, they are in the business of minimising and concealing the disgusting behaviour of the NZ police. It's not just child abuse allegations that the Wairarapa police refuse to investigate - how naive! They refuse to investigate complaints about their mates, and they refuse to take complaints from me then deliberately make up false complaints about me instead. These notes document how local police rang St Matthews Collegiate where I worked as a Boarding Matron, and urged them to sack me:

Police did the same thing at the South End School. They told the Principal and Board of Trustees that they had "recently charged me with an offence involving a child" - which was TOTALLY delusional.
Local woman Tracy Feast made up a great big lie about a non existent 'incident' in the supermarket involving a child. The CCTV camera footage showed that she was lying, there was nothing to charge me for, there was no incident, no crime, nothing, except for Tracy Feast's nasty malicious and delusional lies, which were the cause of a vicious, violent and totally unprovoked and unwarranted attack on me in my home which was witnessed by three independent witnesses who all rang 111 to report what they were witnessing - a vicious violent attack. Constable Cunningham's so called "Offence report" is an orchestrated litany of LIES!
The point is, even if there had been any cause for concern the whole allegation is simply not believable: Feast's allegation was that I momentarily allowed a five year old child to venture outside my line of vision in the supermarket is ridiculous. Constable Cunningham knew that, so he made up some story about 'not having proper permission' which was utter lies. What right minded person would come and smash down someone's door for that anyway? If a person has concerns about "an offence involving a child" they should go to the police station and report it, not go round and smash the persons door down while screaming serious threats and abuse - this was a serious violent attack and these attackers clearly have anger management issues, Murphy is seriously psychotic, and Tracey Feast and her ex partner were the cause of at least one local suicide, that of Donna Thompson, who tragically left a young girl to grow up without a mother.
There has been an inquiry into the Wairarapa police, it's been going on for years, it's been nothing but a great big gravy train for all involved, the ringleaders of the child abuse cover up scandal have been promoted - McHattie was never even INTERVIEWED by the so called "investigators"! This so called inquiry began in 2004 and it's been nothing but a big cover up - a big gravy train for these taxpayer funded paedophiles and criminals - thanks to Transparency NZ, awareness is growing and more and more good FOCKCers - Friends of Caring Kiwi Communities - are speaking up about it - and it's time others did the same!
In the eighties New Zealanders went out on the streets to protest about apartheid. Ross Meurant was in charge of the Red Squad (and National party Minister of Police), he's seen the light, and it's time to start unite again and demand fiduciary accountability - support Transparency NZ and let's put the unity back in our commUnities.
It's time the government stopped funding Transparency International NZ (to tell us there's no corruption in NZ - we all know there is) and started funding Transparency NZ and the FOCKCers, who will then address the problem instead of ignoring it as is currently the case.
We do this by publishing the EVIDENCE of it for all to see, which is the very reason behind this corrupt tax payer funded witch hunt!
Despite the efforts of these "doctors" to prevent me accessing paper and pens from the minute I arrived at Rangipapa until the day I was to be tried on the charge of perverting the course of justice, I did manage to get my hands on writing materials, and I kept a diary during the time I was corruptly incarcerated in the loony bin - it's being typed up at the moment and a link will be included shortly to the transcription of this diary.
Of particular note is that immediately after lawyer Liz Lambert filed the applications for writs of habeus corpus in the days prior to the 19th April (her submissions are dated the 19th).
My application for Judicial Inquiry was dated 19 April 2011.
On the 21st April 2011 I arranged to have my application for judicial inquiry faxed to the High Court with an affidavit from Mrs Marion Goodall of Carterton, who gave evidence in person that there was nothing wrong with me whatsoever (I had been renting a room from Mrs Goodall and she saw me every day, we were friends and Mrs Goodall knew me well), I also attached the Depositions evidence and Judge Barry's written decision regarding the acquittal on the escaping from custody charge - part of the joined indictment with the perverting the course of justice charge.
The High Court immediately responded confirming receipt of my application, and within a few hours I was informed that my mail would henceforth be "vetted" and when I asked what that entailed I was told that any mail I wished to send or receive would be read first by the "doctors" and if they deemed that it was not in my best interests to send or receive any of the mail they would act to prevent it being sent or received - according to the Mental Health Act!
When I dared to suggest that my mail to and from lawyers was legally privileged and that any attempt to 'vet' it would be unlawful, I was informed that as Liz Lambert didn't hold a current practising certificate Dr Rimkeit had given orders that mail to and from Mrs Lambert was NOT privileged and WOULD be vetted - in order to prevent any more applications to the Court to have me freed, and prevent me from communicating with any lawyer who wasn't part of the plan to keep me in there.
On 20th April I was informed I was no longer permitted in the 'Ladies Lounge' after staff realised that I must have got the pen and paper to write the application from one of the other 'patients'. I was also informed I was no longer permitted to contact lawyer Liz Lambert, who had filed the two applications of writs of habeus corpus - because Mrs Lambert apparently didn't have a current practising certificate and was therefore not deemed to be "a lawyer" by the mad doctors!
I returned to the High Court on 2 May 2011 as the Justices attempted to deal with my application. Justice Ronald Young adjourned the matter in order to await the outcome of the section 38 and section 16 hearings in the District Court set down for the 4th May.
On 4th May further evidence was given by Mrs Goodall, a Mrs Evans who has known me for over thirty years, a Mr Tony Pearce who gave powerful evidence in writing and in person regarding the corrupt actions of local Police regarding me, and the homicidal actions of one Julian Tyerman, who had boasted to Mr Pearce about deliberately using a vehicle to run me off the road at night while I was riding my bicycle causing moderate injuries.
Judge Mill reserved his decision.
On 6th May I asked to send a fax to the Court and was immediately sent "out the back" to the "back ward" for punishment of this serious transgression of the unwritten rules, thanks to Matt Woods again (a corrupt nurse, Matt Woods and Tracy Anne Wood were two of the most sadistic and corrupt of the staff, both had British accents).
I was recalled to the High Court on 9th May to discuss progress regarding my application for judicial review. We didn't have the decision of Judge Mill.
On 12th May corrupt sadistic Dr Rimkeit increased the dose of Olanzapine and Clonazepam - I was forcibly administered these drugs, and other dangerous medications such as Aripiprazole, Risperadone (also called Risperadol) and others, making me feel increasingly nauseous, dizzy and disorientated as well as other side effects.
On the 13th May I was handed the decision of Judge Mill, but shortly after this it was taken from me by Matt Woods and taken into the office and not returned to me. Efforts to ask for it to be returned resulted in me being dragged "out the back" again.
On Monday the 16th May 2011 I was stopped as we were leaving the dining room after lunch and told to pack my things. I asked where I was going but none of my questions were answered. I packed my things, and at about 2pm was put into a car with three or four staff and driven to a facility in the grounds of Lower Hutt hospital, Te Whare Ahuru. I barely had time to say goodbye to the other 'patients', the women who by now had become very good friends to me.
I was introduced to Dr Gary Orr, and I soon realised that slimy Dr Orr was in on it too.
- What sort of "Plan" is this for dealing with an alleged mental illness - don't give her any writing materials, suspend all faxing and photocopying, nil incoming phone calls, outgoing calls to be "monitored" - that means that a staff member must listen in to all calls and terminate them if I say the wrong thing and record the calls!!! This is NOT a scientific way of treating a genuine illness - this is a corrupt conspiracy to unlawfully detain a whistleblower who has exposed serious corruption!!!

The EVIDENCE that this is nothing but a corrupt pack of lies includes the following emails exchanged between the key players as the date of the trial on the perverting the course of justice hearing drew closer - Gary Orr was in on it and compliant with the plans of Rimkeit, Short and Yeoman, but all of them were keen to avoid responsibility for it and keen to pass responsibility on to someone who was either in on the plan, or a gullible shill who would play along in spite of concerns at the hearing to determine my fitness refered to in the emails. The main players ensured that they would be out of the country at the time, but they seem to have thought that Dr Wolfgang Kure, who is mentioned in, and one of the recipients apparently of, the second of these two emails, would go along with the plan, which was a big mistake.
Dr Wolfgang Kure is a courageous man and a man of great integrity. He also has no trouble distinguishing between a person with a mental disorder and person who has no mental disorder and he clearly believed that I fell into the latter category:
No sooner had Gary Orr, Jackie Short and Brenda Sally Rimkeit gone away Dr Kure met with me, realised I wasn't the slightest bit delusional and let me go home. Here is the final discharge papers - no conditions, no medication, no ongoing treatment of any kind required - NO MENTAL ILLNESS! Dr Kure should be praised for his astute intelligence as well as his integrity, good humour and wit. He is a fine gentleman who knows a gross injustice when he sees it and refuses to tolerate it let alone join in!

Now, some readers may think that this is an isolated case. In fact, it's far from it. There is a big, fat, taxpayer funded gravy train going round, and in fact any of us are likely to become fodder to feed it, and there's a lot of snouts in the trough. It's not hard to point the finger at ME and say "She's mad." I might be slightly unconventional in some ways, but someone who is not and never has been the slightest bit abnormal or unconventional or mad is Mr Bruce Bithell, of Carterton, who was courageous enough to share the experiences of himself and his late wife Kathy. These experiences were almost unbelievable, but the truth really is stranger than fiction sometimes . . .